Senin, 30 Juni 2008

brenda's birthday

went to sport mall and ate seafood together =D

this is fish's head which I ate LOL


to recover the bad mood, I went to Taman Anggrek and bought an andersen's ice cream... It's from denmark :p

I got caramel topping..... very delicious~~

and so, this is kelapa gading in the night, photo's by me inside my car XDDDD

kelapa gading is a section where I'm living right now, and I heard it's one of the elite sections in jakarta.... also it's full of chinese and korean people :]
it's the heaven of food, because there are toooooo many restaurants in there. so if someone come to here, don't forget to come to kelapa gading to taste them. it has indonesian food from cheap to expensive. all in kelapa gading yeay 8D *promotes* XD


yesterday I visited my grand mother... there were some cousins and an aunt, but because I'm not very close with them so I didn't talk, only texting some friends :3


my aunt saw my hair and my make up, she said, "why do you style your look like that? It doesnt suit with you... Looks like alay" I dont know what is ALAY in english so skip skip xD [for indonesian people who know what alay is called in english, tell me please lol] I just can say if alay is a bad meaning in Indonesia... also its for called ugly and bad behave people(?) but I'm not pretty sure with my explanation lol

but I was very shock!!!! >A<;;;
I've never been called ALAY before this..... I'm pissed.........

Am I look like an alay? :/

Sabtu, 28 Juni 2008

orang keempat dan orang kelima..

tadi pagi enggak sengaja ketemu sama temennya si biep saiah yang jarang onlen.. terus dengan begonya malah ngesend program gitu xD; tpian entah untung dalam kesialan atau begimana, malah gara2 itu ketangkep aipinya

sekali lgi sodara sodara.. aipinya sama xDDDDDDDD *godek2 kpala*

lalu, ketemu mantan cowoknya biep saiah... terus dengan penuh rasa yakin, saya ngecek aipinya dia lage...

and as i have expected, aipinya sama 8DDDDD

so far, gue jadi tau dia udah maen 6 orang... 1 jadi biep saiah yang sableng, sisanya berpura2 sbagai teman untuk nguatin alibinya dia

hahaha.... *laughs bitterly*

I'm downloading many PV's [love addict from vamps, vi vi vi from SuG, and others..] but so far it's always failed TwT wish me luck >_<

Jumat, 27 Juni 2008

terus.... ada tamara 8D

aku syuting bareng tamara 8DDDD *overly excited*

tamara cakep banget.. untung aku tak berdiri di sbelahnya, klo enggak kliatan jeleknya 8D
terus baek... bangetbangetbanget... ramah.. attitude en tata bahasanya manis >A< aku iriii

tamara.... nikahi aku xD *digaplok*

the shooting

was tiringgggg >A<;;; though I only will appear for seconds in the video clip, it took my power and energy a lot T_T its very hard to be an actress or model nee? xDD dikonde itu menyiksa rambut... sakit banget.. ditambah lage gue jelek pisan dikonde xDD;; mekap artistnya udah seteres sama rambut gue.. pirang2 cepak dikonde 8D;; yah orang gue kaga tau kan mao dipake gonoan.. jangan salain saya donk bu lol so for people who will watch the video, /maap gue udah ancurin imej jejepunan/ [red : I'm sorry I've broken japanese girl image in me because of wearing the costume] xD

so this is my picture, with one of traditional costumes in Indonesia... Kebaya

warning : don't laugh at me!! I know I'm ugly ;A;

Kamis, 26 Juni 2008

tahi kamu 8D

ternyata.... ahahahahaha.... elo pekeL..

dari awal emang udah curiga seh, ternyata pas tau it hurts me more... hahahahaha

untung inet gue udah balik pemirsa2... makanya tadi gue udah bisa ngehek die lage 8D
ternyata bener.... ipnya bi ep gue sama si bapak gue [sensor nama] itu sama... sementara itu kan ipnya si jek juga sama kan sama nama bapak gue.. artinya sama smua donk

ohohohohoho.... makasih udah boongin gue slama ini bet.... enem bulan pacaran di real sama spuluh bulanan pcaran di erpe udah bikin gue cukup dalem ke elo..... tapi yah klo elo pekeL, gue kaga bisa ngapa2in lage...

gue kaga tau ah mao ngapaen lage... ahahaha *udah gila*

i dont want to open your identity now. not yet... but i know who you are... so please, if you do really CINTA me, tell me the real you...

bingung mao putus ama enggak... ahahaahhahaa

tahi elo para orang lenteng agung.... makaseh udah nyakitin gue en kana

Rabu, 25 Juni 2008


i joined as a model [well, there are many models...] in a video clip which tittled "Indonesiaku" [ red : my Indonesia ]

Im going to wear a traditional costume from a section of my country, "kebaya", which it's from jakarta..

the video will be published soon... maybe if i look good on there, im going to upload it.. but if not, dont ever ask me to do it xDD;;

the director said to me that it would be promoted in cinemas and tv's channel. after and before the movie in cinema was started, they would play the video...

and oh my God -____-;;;; I'm very nervous...

I'm gonna do the shooting at 27... well, wish me luck >_> i dont want to look ugly ;__;
so if im ugly, that's my face's fault that's the make up artist's fault xDDD

Minggu, 15 Juni 2008

new moon

I finally finished reading NEW MOON a few days ago..

because there's no the indonesian version in here, so I had to read the english translation TT___TT;; it's really hard >_>;; because I never read any english book before [even never read my school's book]

But because my deep love to edward *is vomit*
I'm willing to read it as well. and as I expected, the language is... DIFFICULTTTT~~~

I was understand the first chapters, but when bella came to Italy and the story talked about Volturi's family, I dont understand >__<;;; *kicks a desk* at least I know the story now lol cant wait to buy the third book, eclipse <3

and my opinion is = twilight is better than new moon

since the book doesnt tell about edward much lol and it's not very interest me.. just some complicated feelings in bella's mind.. and maybe because it's more dreamy than new moon. since new moon has a complicated story. not like twilight
But above all, new moon is a good book. two thumbs up for stephenie meyer

and so, this is the synopsis I had found=

Bella has been going out with her vampire boyfriend Edward for six blissfully happy months. The only thing that worries her is his steadfast refusal to even consider making her into a vampire like him. As the day of her eighteenth birthday rolls around she feels less than happy because she is now older than Edward, who will never age past seventeen.

To celebrate her birthday Edward takes Bella to a birthday party at his family home but when a stupid accident that leaves Bella covered in blood and nearly triggers a feeding frenzy in Jasper, Edward’s brother, the party falls somewhat flat.

Edward suddenly becomes more distant towards to Bella and finally he tells her that he and his family are leaving Forks, to never return, and he no longer wants to see her.

Edward is Bella’s whole world and his abandonment is a harsh blow. Her whole world falls apart and as she becomes withdrawn from the world she soon loses most of her friends becoming even more isolated and lonely.

When she does something dangerous she starts hallucinating and thinks she can hear Edward telling her not to do anything stupid and to be more careful. This leads to a whole new range of interests for Bella including learning to ride a motorbike and cliff diving because she feels that he is still with her at those times. Her old friend Jacob Black becomes her partner in crime, fixing up her motorbike for her and teaching her to ride it. Although the pain of Edward’s departure never leaves Bella, Jacob soon becomes her best friend and he helps to fill some of the voids in her life.

Jacob himself is no ordinary boy and soon Bella discovers that part of his Quileute heritage is to be cursed to be a werewolf. Certain members of the tribe turn into werewolves in their teenage years in response to the presence of vampires. Werewolves and vampires are natural enemies and the enmity runs deep on both sides.

Alice returns to Forks and although she brings no news of Edward with her, her extraordinary gift of being able to see the future soon tells her that Edward is heading on a path of self destruction that only Bella can advert. But will Bella be in time to stop the tragedy?


I watched shutter with some classmates friends at XXI in gading.. XC is the ♥

the girl next to me is brenda.. the girl that i kissed the most in my class :3
see her cheeks!!!! its really cute >_<
and compare it with me xD; sometimes im kinda jealous with that lol

[ if you ask my behave, yes i often kiss my friends (girls!!!) on they cheek. just for fun, not because I'm lesbian or what.. ]

I'm going to watch kung fu panda again with her and my other classmates at monday =3


because I dont really like the color, I decided to put some highlights

again without make up >__>;;
and plus, without photoshopped o.o;;

I think I started like my whole face lol *gets slapped* nyah =w=;;


I was dye my hair into blonde :3

but I dont know how come the color could be like this =

without make up xDD;;;
aaa~~ blonde >_<

Sabtu, 07 Juni 2008


this book has hypnotized me very great.. I never read any book so fast except this one. I couldn't do anything before I read it and finally it's finished at 9a.m in me after read it for 8 hours [it's not nonstop okay? xD]

and the conclusion is

stephenie meyer wrote this book very great, and because I'm not good in giving any comment, I can't say much about this book. Just say that you guys should read it..

and though the twilight series almost gets into the 4th books in america, in my country the first book was just translated into indonesia language 1-2months ago. HOW UNFAIR!!! >____>

I pray for the translator, hope they would finish translate new moon soon..

oh yeah, for people who dont know what twilight is, I found the synopsis :D

TWILIGHT is an action-packed, modern-day love story between a vampire and a human. Bella Swan (Kristen Stewart) has always been a little bit different, never caring about fitting in with the trendy girls at her Phoenix high school. When her mother remarries and sends Bella to live with her father in the rainy little town of Forks, Washington, she doesn’t expect much of anything to change. Then she meets the mysterious and dazzlingly beautiful Edward Cullen (Robert Pattinson), a boy unlike any she’s ever met. Intelligent and witty, he sees straight into her soul. Soon, Bella and Edward are swept up in a passionate and decidedly unorthodox romance. Edward can run faster than a mountain lion, he can stop a moving car with his bare hands — and he hasn’t aged since 1918. Like all vampires, he’s immortal. But he doesn’t have fangs, and he doesn’t drink human blood; Edward and his family are unique among vampires in their lifestyle choice. To Edward, Bella is that thing he has waited 90 years for — a soul mate. But the closer they get, the more Edward must struggle to resist the primal pull of her scent, which could send him into an uncontrollable frenzy. But what will Edward and Bella do when James (Cam Gigandet), Laurent (Edi Gathegi) and Victoria (Rachelle Lefevre), the Cullens’ mortal vampire enemies, come to town, looking for her?

the movie will be in theaters at 12.12.08
cant wait to see it with melon <3
edward will be stared by robert pattinson, ahhh <33333333

I LOVE YOU EDWARD, REALLY *_____________________*

kana oh kana~

I do never think that you really fall in love with JONATHAN ROBERT LINTANG!!!! o____________O

well, though I never meet him [direct or indirect] but if you really love him, then I'm going to support you. I hope this guy can cure you as well... and by the way


I've realized that you love this guy since a long time :]
and I hope this one is the one for you... and also I hope you wouldn't cry again anymore because of a relationship

just hope you would luck this time girl!! dont forget for the PJ [Pajak Jadian / Relationship tax] for me okay? >D

my fault?

since my new contact lens had came, I decided to use it when I was in study tour to TMII and Lubang Buaya. and I used my precious necklace too [my favorite necklace for 5years <3]

then, some girls asked me when my other friends was in toilet.. [I didn't go because I don't like public toilet >.>;; ] and for God's sake, I never knew who they were in my whole life. even remembered their face no o_o

first they asked where I bought my lens, I told them that I had ordered it through internet. then asked where I bought my necklace and I answered that it's from mangga dua. again they asked about my hair, wasn't I do hair extension or not. and I said no, it's my real hair..

Then I texted some friends and ignored them.. Well, I don't like to talk with people that I don't know much because I've no topic at all. and then I heard that they was talking about me.. like why did I use my necklace and lens like I was suit to use it. and even talked about my hair? Well I didn't really catch their conversation well because there kinda crowd with students. [ditambah lagi klo bahasa indonesianya, gue rada BUDEG coy!!]

so I ignored them..

but when I was going to my bus with a friend of mine, melon, a girl [does it the same girl or no? I don't know.. everygirls look same in my eyes *_*;; ] she talked to melon and insulted about me.. but I'm not pretty sure what she was talking about, I'm just sure, she talked about my lens and style

and now... what the..? I think I've never bothered them or even talked with them! So what's their right to talk about me? I don't even know them so why should I deserve these??

I did really want to kick them but well, keep peaceful guys -_-v
but I just can't take it.. I think, my style or even my contact lens aren't their business. so why should they discuss about it? I have a RIGHT to keep my style, don't I?


I don't like it.. they don't even my friends.. so they don't have any right to talk like that about me. I think my style never bother them, ever! what I wear and what I use are not their problems!!

I don't like it >__________<

I just ear lens, a necklace, and only cut my hair like that. how if I come to school with my visual-kei make up, blonde hair, and harajuku's clothes? >DD

I think I'm gonna be kicked by them, haha.. but well now, I'm attracted to try it =3 [orang yang makin ditantang makin pengen nantangin xD;]
this is my life and I don't care about others. as long as some people that I love still beside me and dont complaint about it, I think if everything is fine =]

I love my friend, vina, shinta, and melon <3333


and last, I love my boy friend robert <31000x>

Rabu, 04 Juni 2008

season one

i passed the season one for afs <3
yeay!! the next test is this sunday... including english interview

DIE ME TT________________TT;;

I cant speak english so how come i pass it??????? someone please help meeee ;A;


melon asked me to join her birthday party in pizza hut kelapa gading so I came to there... there are vina, shinta, marissa, raisa, veve, robby, franky, raymond, michael, and 2 another guys that i dont know.. unluckily, alvin couldn't join us..

unexpectedly, asun texted me, telling me that he would come to kelapa gading too because he had to make his birthday party too.. then he asked me to join them. so after melon's party had over, i met them..

asun's friends wasn't stop teasing me with him.. then i told them that i have a boyfriend now *points someone pervert lol* but the friends wouldn't stop tease me.. im tired -___-;;;

lalalala~ anythings okay now so, oh yeah!! I DO FALL IN LOVE WITH EDWARD, THE VAMPIRE FROM TWILIGHT

and when i was saying it to robert he looked depressed(?), he doesnt like it, moreover he doesnt like fantasy
haha cute <3

final exam..

has finished~~~ *dies*

well, it was tiring as hell u__u;; I was not sleep enough in those week. but at least it has finished now so I have much time to play around again in here :D

and the good news, robert is in summer vacation so we can meet much more

then, my deeply apologize to kana.. since im the one who makes his boyfriend doesnt want to talk anymore with her.. im really sorry kana -die sih ngmgnya kaga apa2 lega... dasar lo-
