Rabu, 20 Agustus 2008

putus =__=

gak pernah gue pacaran putus secepet ini yahampun...
gue diputusin cel .__.

gile gile.. -godek2 kpala-
katanya dia keinget gitu sama mantan exnya. terus sperti biasa yah, klo orang mao putus pasti slalu ngmg "elo terlalu baek buat gue".. bego .____.
putus deh, haha...

yawda ah.. bego lo cel, kapan lage elo dapet cowok baek kayak gue, gue tuh di taya udah kaga pernah suka ngesek lage kayak dulu. terus gue tuh udah usahain onlen tiap ari tiap waktu, pulsa gue udah kebuang brapa banyak itu buat diaaaaa >_< [though enggak sbanyak buat si bule kampret itu sii]

tapi kapan lage sii. punya cowok yang ready elo ajak esek? punya cowok yang stia mampus ama lo? punya cowok yang bisa gitu kaseh dia sgala yang dia mao... begoooooo ;A;

denger cel, gue tuh ampe udah jarang ikut les di wolstrit buat siapa?? soale tiap sore ampe tengah malem tuh gue mesti nemenin elo esekan en mesra2an!!!! elo bilang elo kaga bisa misahin real ama rp,. yah kaga usah maen rp klo gituuu... cari aja pacar beneran sono! kelewat baek apa sii gue ama eloooo??????

yawda, skarang gue udah bisa tenang. gue bisa ikut les, bisa ikut pitnes, ama tidur siang lage. kaga usah gue pas lage kerja sama bokab gue, gue bentar2 ngebales cetingan elo. apa salah gue??/ gue udah lebih baek ke elo daripada ama ke kazuyaaa ;A;

pup, bebekm if you read this blog, lets make a group "anti sel ina!!!!"

buleeeeeeeeeeeee <3

so yeah, I found a BULE GANTENG in my institute *__________*

his name is Patrick *coughs* yes, the starfish lol but seriously, he's very handsome. when he was interviewing me and testing me about my unit in wall street, I couldn't help, I only could stare his blue eyes... almost melt *melts now* xD

aaaaaa.... tomorrow and the day after tomorrow I have a class again in institute. hope I can meet him. well maybe tomorrow I cant speak with him, but the next day I hope he would teach me in speaking class. pray for me please frienddddssss <33333


Selasa, 19 Agustus 2008

study abroad

smua pergi ninggalin gue .___.

kana pergi ikut AFS
mpon di taiwan
amei mao ke cina
cindy ke taiwan nyusul mpon
henry juga ke sydney

sapa lage yang belon kesebut namanya? -sighs-

lama2 smua temen baek gue pergi smua ke luar, en tinggalin gue di indo, alone .__.

gue dari dulu, dari smp juga udah ngotot ama nyokab gue bwt pergi ke luar, kemana aja, tapi dia kaga pernah kaseh. alesannya tuh macem2... tapi padahal dia cuman kaga mau gue pergi jauh2 dari dia, dia terlalu operprotektip =3=;

ampe gue kuliah pun dia kaga bakalan kaseh gue pergi, padahal bwt pergi ke luar sana itu adalah cita2 gue banget.. gue pengen belajar bahasa en menjelajah dunia gitu. enggak cuman di indo aja... tapi yah itu kendalanya, tanpa ijin enyak mana mungkin dikasih -sighs-

gue mao kluar, tapi gimana yah ._.

akhirnya skarang, gue sama si ajep udah mutusin ikut scholarship ke europe ato amrik, buat kuliah. kita bakalan pergi bareng :D
doakan sayah yah teman2 n__n

Senin, 11 Agustus 2008

aaaa.. akusalah..D:

si cel bilang katanya nunggu 1-2ari dulu sblon jadian opisial T-T

ah bego ah.. gue yang bego, bukan dia xDDD
yah serahlah.. sbodo amat gue. yang penting gue ada kerjaan gitu klo pas maen di taya lol

moon maap atas kesalahpahaman khilap ini xD


taya gw dapet pacar baru.. si cel ;333333
jadi sakaki die xD

yah, taya gue juga dari dolo demen ama dia, compared him with si jermani gemblung kaga tau terima kaseh itu, jelas dia itu much better D:

*celingak celinguk* kaga ada lupin kan ye xD entar tau2nya gw diaduin juga kayak si pup en bebek. awas aja lo D8 gue lempar ke kali ciliwung lho xDDD *sadis mode on*

terus kayake pup n hcchn syok gitu ye taya ama sakaki jadian lol yah, gimana donk. gue kebelet punya cowok benerrrr T___T;;
satu2nya cowok gue satu lage kan cuman si juneddddddddddddddddddddd D:
tega apa lo pada ninggalin gue sama seorang jablay bgono [kayak sndiri gak lol]

yawda ah.. gue capek.. laptop gue juga dipakein molo ama bokab, gue dari tadi mao pacaran jadi gak bsa deh xD

deeee ;3

-- ada yang punya movienya suju gakk??? gue maoooo >_<

Sabtu, 09 Agustus 2008

100th post

waow! it surprised me a lot when realizing that I reached 100th post today ;3 its been a long time since I used this blog. my longest blog yeay ;D

congratulations for me XDDDD~

so in this entry, I will give you guys some good words that I love the most. but because I have it in indonesian words, I will try my best to translateit into english xD

What is the meaning of love?
-If your palms get sweat, your heart beats faster, get speechless, it's not a LOVE but LIKE

-If your hands cant stop to touch or hold him/her, it's not a LOVE but LUST

-If you want him/her because you know that he/she will be there for you, it's not a LOVE but LONELY

-If you accept him/her because you dont want to hurt him/her feeling, it's not a LOVE but PITY

-If you are willing to give anything that you like for him/her, it's not a LOVE but KINDNESS

-If you are proud of him/her and always want to show him/her to everyone, it's not a LOVE but LUCKINESS

-If you say that he/she is the one that you think the most, it's not a LOVE but CONCEITED

-you LOVE him/her, when you accept his/her failure. because its a part of his/her character. when youre willing to give your heart, your life, even your death. you feel hurt when he/she is being sad and feel the spring when he/she is being happy. you cry for his/her pain though he/she is strong enough to face them. when you're feeling interested by other persons but you still be faithfull over him/her

quite good eh? I like it so much.. and seriously, now I can speak about this one without lying

I've already been able to forget you and our memories together.. I will find my another happiness. good bye :)

wall street

for a purpose to have cowok ganteng yang kaya en pinter, I decided to join wallstreet, an english institute. its really expensive D: but for fulfill my dream, Im willing to xD [kayak gue aja yang bayar lol]

anyway, kata orangnya grade gue cukup tinggi,upper waystage 3, well,gue seh gak mrasa itu cukup tinggi. scara gue maonya pas di tes gue bener smua [ngarep]
tpi yawdalah xD temen gue kaga ada yang les di sono neh T_T ada yang temenin gue donk D;

new laptop

finally Ive a new laptop now 8D Im kinda weird using this one,since I have used to with my old computer for about 6 years xD

well anyway, this one is the touch screen one, I'm kinda shock cause my Dad decided to buy this expensive laptop O_o;; but whatever. I dont waste any money for it anyway lol

In love with suju <3