was tiringgggg >A<;;; though I only will appear for seconds in the video clip, it took my power and energy a lot T_T its very hard to be an actress or model nee? xDD dikonde itu menyiksa rambut... sakit banget.. ditambah lage gue jelek pisan dikonde xDD;; mekap artistnya udah seteres sama rambut gue.. pirang2 cepak dikonde 8D;; yah orang gue kaga tau kan mao dipake gonoan.. jangan salain saya donk bu lol so for people who will watch the video,
/maap gue udah ancurin imej jejepunan/ [red : I'm sorry I've broken japanese girl image in me because of wearing the costume] xD
so this is my picture, with one of traditional costumes in Indonesia... Kebaya
LENONG BOCAH TAMPIL 8D warning : don't laugh at me!! I know I'm ugly ;A;
2 komentar:
show me your REAL face!!!
not that bear one!!! lol
makin ancur aja, de...djadiin muka bruang gitu..XDD
nah nah... the bear face is cuter than mine!!!!!! lol
trust me!! xD
just be patient waiting the video clip to be published..
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