there are a guy from facebook added my MSN. he told me that he worked in making porn video or something like that o.o;
then after that, he started the conversation with pervy things. he told me that sex is beautiful, sex is good, I will love it after I do that. even he asked me to watch porn. yare yare, what the hell is he thinking about? >___>;;
I've told him that I'm not old enough to watch it. Hey, I'm just 15! o.o;; and really, it's not my priority. I'm gonna watch it maybe someday. but, it's maybe and someday ! but he still forced me indirectly to watch it. he told me that how come I do sex with my husband if I don't know how to do that well? I should learn from the videos at first. HELL NO!!!!!
maybe I don't know it well but I don't wanna watch it and I know my husband will understand it[or he should do xD] Maybe I'm pervert and often talk dirty things but I even cover my eyes when watching people's kissing so how come I can to see people do sex? And though I never see any guy's dick except my young brother's and surely I'm gonna get a chance to see it in porn video's, SO WHAT??? O__________O
like I care about those things?
Why should he force me? >_> my sex between me and my husband in the future is my problem and not his! o.o so dude, please respect me.. why should I watch porn? well okay, everyone has a choice and I choose not to watch it. am I wrong?
For me, somethings will be more precious and worthed if you do it in the right time. Like sex. I don't want to do sex before married not only because of my culture [asian] or my husband's happiness if he gets a virgin wife. But the main thing is it's for my own good. I believe that if I can wait till married to do sex, sex will be more worthed in me. Because it's special moment. If you can do sex in anytime and anywhere with anyone, it will be boring don't it? I want to keep my curiosity and make it larger till the right time for me to release it with my husband :]
well, this sentence is only good in Indonesia, "segala sesuatu itu indah pada waktunya" --> everything is beautiful at the suit time
then, lets take an example. If you eat much your favorite food than you should, You'll sick with them and dont want to eat it again later. But if you be patient and eat it rarely, you'll taste it better. So if I watch porn video now, I think I'm gonna addict with it [okay, I'm honest~ xD] and then always watch it. Consequence, someday I'm gonna sick with porn video and don't like sex anymore [impotent?lol]
And yeah, I know mostly people dont but I know myself well. If I do that, I'm gonna sick with it. So, no no no... not for now.. I prefer my future xD
No sex and no porn video in my life right now! o.o
and for me it's a little strange if you do love your lovers but can't wait to do sex with them. "OMG I love him/her so I've to do sex with him to show how much I love him/her" or "I'm sure I'm gonna marry him/her so why should I wait till the time? Let's do it now" or something like that. Well, not for me. If you really did love your lovers till die, you'd wait. Is it wrong to wait till the marriage for some months/years if you guys love each other? If you guys really love each other, all of you will marry right? So what's the difference?
just wait U___U
But nah, I'm not talking if having free sex is bad. nah. It's my opinion, not yours, right ;] so I respect yours, and I hope you guys will respect mine too
and for people who think if free sex is sin, well. who are you till you can judge it? o.o we all did sin right? lie is a sin too, but you will almost never say people who lie to you if they just do sin right? [ okay, I just learn about these topic several weeks ago tho, learn it because of my boyfriend's case ]
just be careful friends if you do it. prepare condom if you arent ready yet to be parents o.o and dont switch partners easily or you'd get sex disease easier. just warning n____n
Well, I'm not good in explaining but, I hope you guys would know my point of view for these case.
Im typing unwell >_>;; ready to go to my course. bye all o.o
ily robert ♥
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