Selasa, 29 Juli 2008


I used purple rotten teeth 8DDDDDD
its me, grinning LOL

Rabu, 16 Juli 2008


I wanna kick a girl from sydney DDD: well, I dunno what her name is, but she is my brother's gf [well, he is not my real sibling though.. only play from internet]
my brother sean told me yesterday that her gf had a feeling toward another guy where she did overseas. and it really pissed me off :/

she played with my friend's feeling and I dont like it, at all! and I dont know is my brother toooo nice or tooo stupid, he still gave his gf some times to think it again well =___=;; also when I cursed her gf and told him how much I didn't like her because of that, he was still calm and defended his gf, though that I know well how hurt he is .__.

she is too stupid to neglect someone awesome like my bro!!!!! =_=;;
my bro is handsome enough [well, pretty maybe?], he is studying in a good university in sydney, he is tall and strong, his family economic is great. he loves her gf so much. also, he is the one who will never cheat!
so I call his gf very BAKA!!! -___-;;

my bro was very very sad yesterday and kinda depressed, wish I could help him but sadly I couldn't ._. sorry bro ;x;
he even asked me, what is his lack?
well, he is almost perfect! ba-ka~ :/
his gf is really really stupid. I really wanna kick her butt right now >_>

ingin hati kuberkata~, "elu jadian aja sini sama gue" xDDD tapi enggak mungkin kan ye, yang ada putus hubungan kk adek lol

oiya, gue punya ekon rp baru =D jadi takeru ;3
this time I want to have a new gentle boyfriend!!! harus itu! capek gue maen sama orang2 jermani nan mesum >_>;;
I want to have a guy who can treat me right and spoil me lovingly ♥ moga2 bisa nemu di takeru yah, takeru kan cakep >_< amin!

pokoke gue musti bisa lebih bahagia daripada obet! gak boleh enggak! arus! dia gak boleh bahagia lebih dulu pula dari gue :/ *jaat*

Minggu, 13 Juli 2008

vacation has over~

without putting any make up =_=;; my face is in allergy

and I have to dye my hair into black again >_>;
well, I had done it this noon anyway. and so, that's the pic *points up* really /chinese/ lmao

which one I look better? in brown or black? xD

I'm kinda shock when my hair was black again. Somewhat I look like a miyavi :/ but of course my face isn't as handsome as miyavi lol just similar..

maybe I can cosplay as him later nee? ;3


I joined a boiznk quiz. it's 1000questions..
and when I almost reached the 600question, the data lost


I wanna cry ;__________;

:(( :(( :((


I'm enough with my life, really..

things arent going well and trust me, no one cares about me *laughs*
all they talk mostly about their problem nee? Yes I did tell them about my problems also, but not all of the problems, especially my real feelings. when I needed to talk light things to cure my feelings, they started crying to me *lirik seorang cowok geje dari singapur*, talked to me angrily with their own problems without clear reason, and mores

when I gave them advice, they just told me that they couldnt do it / didnt want it / other reasons. yadda yadda... but I bet you guys would be more mad to me if I only replied with ordinary answers like "oh, Im sorry about it", or put some sad emoticons. at least I should reply and give advice right??

really. I'm tired...
very tired

these days I'm having too much problems to be solved. and people added their problems in my mind. I can't handle it..

if I give you guys advices in your problems but you dont want it, its okay. its your right. but after that please dont talk and cry to me about it again.. because trust me, no one will be interested in those same topics every time. I give you the conclusion and also the way to solve it but you dont want it, so I dont want to get into it again :/
you are the one who doesnt want to end your pain, arent you?
it doesnt due to only a person no.. but some friends >.>; and I'm sorry if I sound mean.. but its really my mind now

okay, I realized that talked weird =__=;;
I'm still sick yeah. but its getting better now. though still cant breath. maybe I wrote this because of my ill too. so well, haha, when I'm getting healthier perhaps I wont act like this again so calm

sorry . .

I'm really enough with these all. I really think many questions which I dont know what the answer is

what is our main point to live in here?
why do we have to stay in this world?
what do we live for?
what should we do in here?

is there anyone can answer it? haha...

slowly but sure, I'm thinking a way to release my pain *coughs*
you guys definitely know what I am thinking to do next :]

Jumat, 11 Juli 2008


havent fought with my mom since a while. and today, I fought with her.. haha..

I know my body isn't as health as it used to. I can't breath well [pilek, klo bahasa ancurnya gue udah bengek parah LOL], my throat is hurt, dizzy as hell, and many mores. so of course I'm being so lazy to speak to anyone

and so, when I was preparing for sleep earlier after locked my bedroom door, mom knocked my door roughly. lazily and weakly I opened it, but I had to press the door hardly if not, It would have never opened. and so, mom scolded me because I was hit the door roughly. but I didnt want to discuss it because my head is very dizzy..

so she yelled at me many times and screamed. then, the final, she told me, "I never want to have a child like you"

and... who want?????? well, she has said it many times before this. haha..

after that she scolded me more. and hit me twice *sighs*

I'm out of limit, so I yelled back, "I also never want to born in this family! I never can choose which family I should to be born to. but till now I never say it to you! "

and it brought up her emotion. she pinched my arm, hardly.. its still getting red now. haha
then she yelled to me many times. told me how much I have to thank for her. said to me that she never ask anything to be given. also let me know indirectly that she was the best mom

I'm outta and sick with this... why everyone is being cruel to me nowadays? >>;;
I'm tired. I'm sick. and of course I have my time for my own, haven't I?


my head is getting dizzy again. so I'm going to sleep soon. good bye


IDUNG GUE MAMPET!!! SIALAN!!!!! ingusnya pun beleberan enggak stop2!!!

huh hah huh hah!! *korek2 idung* dari smalem neh!! sialan!!!! >___>;;
udah gitu tenggorokan juga sakit, dan kpala gue pusing banget
tadi udah makan paya juga yang banyak, tetep aja enggak sembuh. aduh, kog sakit2 hari gini sii ;A;

masalahnya besok kan ada launching tuh pv aib gue!!!! dan *coughs* KATANYA TUH SBY DATENG X___X;;

enggak lucu kan klo gue lage jabatan ujung2nya gini

sei : halo om *nyengir nyengir najonk*
sby : salam kenal
sei : hua.. hua...
sby : ??
sei : HUATCHIUUU.. SROOTTT.. *ingus nempel en beleberan ke jas sby*
sby : *jantungan*
sei : *ditangkep sama bodyguards sby, brakhir di pnjara* ;O;

yaelah!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! >_________> *korek2 idung terus*
ini ingus stop ngalir ngape siiiii ;A;


berdarah lagi idungnya.. TT___TT *meper darah ke badan anjing* lol *is jorok*

oh yah, ari ini gue blajar potosyop banyak dari mipup en rei. thankies guys <3 udah bikin gue yang bego jadi pinteran dikit XD
terus si rei itu ngajarin gue udah banyak banget, ampe bikin gue bengek beneran. ngek XDD

yah, makasih deh. takoyakinya enggak usah ye. pisang goreng aje lol *kabur*

udah ah. pusing. mao opp. pipis loph en gaul! XD

Kamis, 10 Juli 2008

before dye my hair into black again..

I want to edit the photo *points a photo up to this sentence* into artistic *__*;; I mean, coloring in photoshop.. but how??? XD;;

can anyone teach me??? lol

soale di poto itu lage bagus guenya. tumben2an banget gitu yah bisa bagus XDDDD~ biasa kan cupu lol
oh yeah, I bought the chain in ohayourockers ;3

almost forgot!! today I found out a proof!
*coughs* sorry, it's in Indonesia XD

jadi ceritanya pas gue lage ngestalking pren2 hacchan [dalam rangka nyari cowok cakep], tiba2 gue nemuin ada seseorang yang depenya ada fans artnya JEK. JEK ini adalah salah seorang temennya mantan gue.. *coughs* oke dia peker, tapi gue tetep aja mao nyari bukti. scara si kortnei2 itu tiba2 jadi sering ngetag para ekon2 buaya daratnya, terus post di buletin maispes kopian mesej2 dari para ekon2nya. heran gue *godek2 kpala*

oke, bek to the topic. so gue add, terus tadi dia udah jadi temen gue. eh ternyata, beneran bok!!! itu poto2nya si jek. bedanya, disini nama dia bruno O.o;; kayak nama anjing ye XDDD~ *ditabok*lol

terus disana itu ada banyak poto2 jek yang enggak ada di photobucket bersama. gue lage berusaha minta sign dari si jek ini. kali aja dia yang asli =D
klo dia ada bikin sign buat gue, maka gue akan pampang gede2 ke muka si kortnei dan mengatakan, "GOTCHA!!!" BWAHAHAHAHAHA~ *sarap*

ehem... *tenang*

saa.. thats maybe my latest photo before I dye my hair into black again >_<;;
I have to go to school again next monday U_U;;
next time if I dye it again, should be PURPLE XD

Rabu, 09 Juli 2008


edited by me ;3

I just knew that Mokomichi Hayami isnt popular enough..

a friend of my ex's judged me today that I planned to break up with my ex because I wanted to date someone named "MOKO" [p.s = moko-san is my nickname to mokomichi hayami-san]

and I was only... oh my God... I didnt think like that. never think like that. I never wanted to break up intensionally only for other guy!!!!!

How cruel . .

is that wrong if I love or be a fan of an actor and claim it on MSN?

indonesian language, [for the details also umpatan]

p.s = BULE GILA itu si mntan gue yang sableng

jadi si kortnei itu, onlen kan, terus enggak nyampe sedetik dia udah ngamuk2 ke gue. katanya "gue baru tau elo orang macam begini,. ternyata elo mutusin si BULE GILA itu supaya bisa jadian sama si moko2 ini kan? ternyata emank elo tuh enggak cukup baek yah buat dia. elo emank terlalu kecil untuk mengenal cinta"

ting tong... terlalu kecil untuk mengenal cinta? itu kata2 dia ketika si BULE GILA itu putus sama gue. jah, kena dhe lo :DDD

nah, lanjut.. akhirnya gue cengo, gue langsung bilang klo mokomoko itu cuman seorang aktor en bukan rper juga. gue cuman demen en ngefans gara2 pelem aja. emanknya salah?

ini mengacu soal peem gue yang ngmg = buang seseorang ke laut dan pelok moko-san dengan erat dan penuh cinta

padahal seseorang itu adalah edward dari novel laris twilight sodara2!!!! nah si kortnei2 ini mikir klo seseorang itu adalah si BULE GILA. makan deh tuh laut!!! orang maksud hati gue karna gue emank udah enggak demen yang namanya pampir2an, enakan robot gitu 8D bego bego *godek2 kpala*

terus dia malah ngejek gue dengan enggak mao denger ke gue, "jadi, biarkan gue pergi ke si BULE GILA, terus gue kaseh tau dia klo ternyata emank elonya aja yang rese, putus sama dia biar dapet cowok baru. gue bakal kaseh tau dia biar dia makin enggak respek sama elo. eh tapi, tunggu dulu. dia kan emank udah enggak ker sama elo ye *tertawa*"

ANJING LU PEREK!!!!!!!!!!! 83

emang dasar elo tuh bego apa idiot sii hah??
langsung aja gue ejek, "ohmaigad, jangan bilang ke gue klo elo enggak tau sapa yang namanya mokomichi hayami. dia kan pemes. ektor ngetop"

makan tuh!!

eh tau2nya dia malah ngalihin topik [yang berdasarkan lelucon gue en kana adalah dia mrasa malu banget karna emank udah salah ngejudging orang smbarangan en enggak tau sapa itu moko], dia malah ngmg2in soal kana. bilang klo mantanny kana udah enggak mao lage sama si kana, udah blok dia. udah bete soal si kana blablabla...

lah, LIKE WE CARE????????? O_________O

orang kita udah bahagia kog tanpa elu2 pade!!!!!!! rese banget siiii D<

KANA HAS A NEW LOVER!!! ;D named ******!!! lol

jadi yah, sapa juga sii yang peduli sama peker goblok? o_O

ah yawda, gue udah lega udah ngumpat gini XD
makasih ke blogku tercinta ;3 *elus2, cium2, perkosa* lol


Selasa, 08 Juli 2008

zettai kareshi

this dorama is the first movie who could make me crying as hell!! TwT
even ichi ritoru no namida only could produce a tear from my stoic eyes. but this one .. I cried without stop at the ending...

ho shit ho shit!!! ;A; now I look like a sentimental girl! hate it, but I have to admit this TwT

zettai kareshi is success making me cry like a baby!!!! I LOVE IT!!!!! 4THUMBS UP *gives all of my thumbs*

and so, I'm in love with naito-kun!!! *tosses edward who makes me reminding someone*

mokomichi hayami-sannnnnnnnnnnnn <3333333333
I wanna youuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu ;3

oh yeah. the real mokomichi-san [seems like], added my touya o_o;; aahhhh~~~~~~~ marry my touya please LOL

gue jadi pengen ngeRP jpop. sapa tau dapet pacarnya die lage XDDD;;
ganti haluan!!!!!!!!!!! 8D

Minggu, 06 Juli 2008

japan evolution

today went to j-vo at wtc mangga dua =D cosplaying as an original gothic lolita

I met a lot of people, such as my daddy yoi, rena, hacchan, mipup, ruui, rui-kun, garret, indoanime's member, auril, ishihara, raiha, and many mores~

I have a lot of fun in there. walo stoking robek en sol spatu somplak. yang penting seneng XD

pincang D8

with hungriness, we went to Plaza Indonesia, across the hotel

dan demi enggak ancur gaya, [pake rok leopard mini en kacamata], gue enggak rela ngelepas high heels gue yang bener2 menyiksa en lancipppp banget Dx
karna lagi ada festival abang none jakarta, mobil kaga bisa lewat, jadi musti jalan kaki.. so gue, naik tangga penyebrangan busway pulang pergi dengan high heels 5 cm!!!!!

bayangin, hebat gak noh gue!!!
mana slametnye! xDD

yaiks!! >A<

for dinner, I ate shabu-shabu at khayangan restaurant, one of restaurants in nikko

I REALLY REALLY DONT WANT TO PROMOTE THIS RESTAURANT AT ALL D<>A<;;; terus bayangin, moso satu set daging sama sayur *tunjuk2 yang di gambar* segitu aja udah 400ribu. mana enggak enak banget lagi.. nyesel banget. untung cuman pesen sdikit terus kabur

minus ten ;[

coctail in nikko

is delicious~ 8Dv

mom and me bought it at oak's room in nikko.. she didnt like it, so hers was being mine ;3

should try it again next time XD


I went to nikko international hotel yesterday, spending a night in there to heal my feeling -_-v
wore my new sunglass which I bought in Bandung several days ago..

lalalala~ Looks different XD


mom bought this.. an eyes massager from advance

I've tried it, very relaxing 8Dv

Jumat, 04 Juli 2008

new life

I've broken up with someone that I dont want to say his name again

it brings happiness to me. thank you for your GOOOODDDness to spoil me which you claimed. thanks. but as you know, I dont think I got it from you. you ignored me toooo much

and so, we blocked each other in MSN, and I dont plan to unblock it. same with him I bet. so yeah, here I am. my new life. full of smile :DDDDDDDDDD


and trust me, I will never cry for him again. never and ever. never want to waste my tears only for someone like him. Like I care about him again~ ;3

he told me that I would never get a boyfriend as good as him again. and so what? Like I care??

Do you think if youre the best? youre the most good guy in this world? Fuck off with your mind. I dont care!!

You'll be the one who will regret because you wont get an AMAZING girlfriend like me again.

I wont cry. I wont be regret. I will be happy without you. that's all. thanks :]

*dancing with vi vi vi from SuG*

I never judge you as a faker, as you know it

good bye forever :]


yesterday I went to Puncak and Bandung. went to Gonzo and buy an accessory to cosplay :p

no photos. sorry. because my phoneS died succesfully X_X;;

oh yeah. I also bought a sunglass =D

the day was full of shopping again.. ureshiiii~~~ <3333

Rabu, 02 Juli 2008

my first kiss has been stolen ;A;

aaa~~~~ gimme back my first kisssssss ;;A;; *cries out loudly*







today, someone offered me the cheek. thought the person wants me to kiss the cheek. So I moved my lips, trying to kiss. but unfortunately, the person moved the head and.. . .





I DONT WANT TO LIVE AGAIN *suicide* TT________________________TT

its very ironic and bad kiss.....

I wanna cry.. TT__________________________________TT

the person who kissed me is . . .

enyak gue XD;;

for people who doesnt know what the meaning of "enyak gue" is and curious about it, just ask me via... anything... text, pm, msn, ym.... but I know you wont ever curious about it XDD



yak.. it's clear now

klo bi ep saiah adalah seorang peker 8D

kmaren gue tanya ke cowok gue, knapa aipinya bisa ampe sama, ktanya dia kan sharing komputer. yawda gue percaya2 aja

tapi ternyata ari ini, cewek yang ditunggu2 kedatangannya sama gue sejak lama, spetttt dari kota yang berbeda dengan bi ep cs tinggal, ONLEN

maka segera meluncurlah aplikasi hek-an saiah 8D

dan ternyata, aipinya sama... ohohoho... aipinya si daddy gue juga sama... lalalala~

jadi, saiah skarang sedang menetapkan hati untuk putus. mohon doanya sodara2!!!!
pokoke klo gue ampe mewek, tolong dihibur yah xDDD

P.S = mulai skarang, DILARANG nyebut2 nama itu orang lage tolong!!!! xDDDD

Selasa, 01 Juli 2008

I went to pasar baroe and bought a new straightener, eyelashes also the glue, brown coloring hair, and others.. shoppinggg~~~ 8D

after that went to La Piazza, and bought my favorite at strabucks, ice blended non coffee vanilla <3

it's delicious

this day was tiring, but I enjoyed it. it's full of shopping shopping and shopping :3

P.S = even mom scolded me because too much bought things and stuffs lol

ternyata SALAH sodara2!!!!!! O_________O

tadi saiah ngecek lage 2 temen bi ep nya saiah!!!!!!! BEDA SEKARANG AIPINYAAAAAA O______O

aipinya bi ep saiah emank masih kayak kmaren2, tapi katanya emank kmaren2 temen2nya pada shering komputer bareng2......

could it be?????


*bergodek2 gemeter*

DIA ASLI DONK??????????????????????????????????????????????

*antara bingung sama sakit perut*

bgm > vi vi vi SuG 8D