thats why I do hate germany!
fuck you bitch!!!
whats my weakness? Ive done everything for you! and you messed it up less than 48 hours!!!
and say that I have no friend? YOU ARE THE ONE WHO NEVER HAS FRIEND AS NICE AS MINE!
even I spend 60.000 IDR in 2 nights only for him!!!!!
and cause Im sick writing it over the whole story... [ive told ruui, kana, ncong, pup, hcchn], I dont want to waste my time to write it over here again, so yeah~
and I delete my all accounts in myspace, including my real page
pshhh... entar gue bikin rp baru, tenang aja >D
entar ceritanya gue ama mpup jadi pasangan gei lol
mwahahahhaha... kesenangan gue mungkin akan berubah
bye bye eek XD
i need to change my phone number, there are so many roleplayers know it DDD:
m3 perhaps? XD
☆せいら ちゃっヾ(≧∇≦*)〃☆
Selasa, 04 November 2008
Senin, 03 November 2008
what a nice
takeru gue baru aja jadian sama anaknya ray [ehem..], dia dah change macem2 en kmaren smpet jadi tara [jujur gue enggak demen tara XD;;] tapi kmaren dia dah change lage jadi kirua. GUE DEMEN KIRUA JADI GUE SAMBER AJA LOL
yawda kan jadian... gue act really really gentle!!! xDD and gue ngakak spanjang malem soalnye takeru itu /BUKAN GUE BANGET/.. soalnya itu tuh sosok edward, orang yang nyium pasangannya carefully, terus nolak esek, lalu cuddling mulu.. mwahahahahah -sarap-
terus out of my expectation yeh... scara dia jerman ye gue remehin donk -ditimpuk- tapi ternyata dia.... ITUnya bagus sodara2!!!! RAY!!! I WONT LET THIS ONE GO FROM ME! THANK YOU GOD LOL -gila beneran-
gue sndiri kalah.. karna gue dah lama enggak begini, biasanya bertele2 doank biar panjang, gue ampe stres o__o
aahh~~ udah lama enggak dapet yang pinter~~ -tendang yoemie jaoh2- xD
nah yawda, cukup de xD
masalahnya muncul abis itu.. si kirua ini ngmg ke takeru gue klo ada cowok yang ngincer dia namanya mashiro, si mashiro ini teasing dia molo supaya cheating over gue, sadlynye kiruanya keukeuh mao ama gue..
terus si mashiro mesej gue, dia bilang dia naksir real the person behind kirua o3o yah gue kaget lah.. tapi katanya kiruanya ignoringin dia gitu
gue bilang aja yah serah dia mao maen sama playernya kirua, orang yang gue demen kiruanya kog .__. tapi yah jadinya maennya yang fair donk, jangan karna dia demen sama orang di balik kiruanya dia ngetease2 cowok gue. biar gimanapun orang kirua cowok gue, iya gka? >_> klo dia macem2 yah urusannya sama gue
tapi dia bilang katanya jangan ngancem2 dia soalnya walo dia kliatannya cute, dia bisa jadi bad. dia bilang dia kan masih jadi petnya kirua jadi tentu aja dia masih ada chance
eek lo!!
sini adepan sama gue! tapi jangan adu pisik, gue kan asian elo bule lol
kog sok sii tuh orang. gak nyadar yah posisi dia.. aaaa.. rayyy... onlen donk ;__; mao curhat
yawda kan jadian... gue act really really gentle!!! xDD and gue ngakak spanjang malem soalnye takeru itu /BUKAN GUE BANGET/.. soalnya itu tuh sosok edward, orang yang nyium pasangannya carefully, terus nolak esek, lalu cuddling mulu.. mwahahahahah -sarap-
terus out of my expectation yeh... scara dia jerman ye gue remehin donk -ditimpuk- tapi ternyata dia.... ITUnya bagus sodara2!!!! RAY!!! I WONT LET THIS ONE GO FROM ME! THANK YOU GOD LOL -gila beneran-
gue sndiri kalah.. karna gue dah lama enggak begini, biasanya bertele2 doank biar panjang, gue ampe stres o__o
aahh~~ udah lama enggak dapet yang pinter~~ -tendang yoemie jaoh2- xD
nah yawda, cukup de xD
masalahnya muncul abis itu.. si kirua ini ngmg ke takeru gue klo ada cowok yang ngincer dia namanya mashiro, si mashiro ini teasing dia molo supaya cheating over gue, sadlynye kiruanya keukeuh mao ama gue..
terus si mashiro mesej gue, dia bilang dia naksir real the person behind kirua o3o yah gue kaget lah.. tapi katanya kiruanya ignoringin dia gitu
gue bilang aja yah serah dia mao maen sama playernya kirua, orang yang gue demen kiruanya kog .__. tapi yah jadinya maennya yang fair donk, jangan karna dia demen sama orang di balik kiruanya dia ngetease2 cowok gue. biar gimanapun orang kirua cowok gue, iya gka? >_> klo dia macem2 yah urusannya sama gue
tapi dia bilang katanya jangan ngancem2 dia soalnya walo dia kliatannya cute, dia bisa jadi bad. dia bilang dia kan masih jadi petnya kirua jadi tentu aja dia masih ada chance
eek lo!!
sini adepan sama gue! tapi jangan adu pisik, gue kan asian elo bule lol
kog sok sii tuh orang. gak nyadar yah posisi dia.. aaaa.. rayyy... onlen donk ;__; mao curhat
Minggu, 02 November 2008
rebek is a bitch
eek kan ;___;
setelah sekian lama gue enggak maen rp pake filing gue.. akhirnya gue nemuin seorang ruki, US.. -ehem- yang seriously kata2nya mirip sama aiji [you know lah aiji sapa, en iya chan, gue gila xD; ]
and then after that yah gue pedekate abis2an donk sejak dia putus sama rikyugi [artiin sndiri] nya si rebek.. terus tadi gue tembak tapi ditolak, en ternyata dia nyangka gue set up ini smua gara2 gue temennye taro >.>
lah orang touya sama taro kaga kenal.. ngmg juga enggak. yang ada kan seira sama bebek, yah gak? lol
terus yah gitu.. si rebeknya ngmg ke bebek klo dia mao delet beberapa ekonnya biar bisa punya waktu lbih bwt maen sama si ruki
yah buat gue itu kan kayak mentang2 si rukinya ditembak dia enggak mao maenannya diambil, padahal kan dah gak ada hubungan apa2. taik lo, dasar tante2 33 taon >3<
capek gue maen pake ati di rp, mendingan gue cari yang having fun aja macem maen sama yumi .__. ato maen di ekon multi gue [ntuh lho, si sisen >_>] yang jelas2 gue enggak bakalan disakitin, malahan nyakitin orang >D
dah ahhhh~
maapkan diriku bebek T__T
setelah sekian lama gue enggak maen rp pake filing gue.. akhirnya gue nemuin seorang ruki, US.. -ehem- yang seriously kata2nya mirip sama aiji [you know lah aiji sapa, en iya chan, gue gila xD; ]
and then after that yah gue pedekate abis2an donk sejak dia putus sama rikyugi [artiin sndiri] nya si rebek.. terus tadi gue tembak tapi ditolak, en ternyata dia nyangka gue set up ini smua gara2 gue temennye taro >.>
lah orang touya sama taro kaga kenal.. ngmg juga enggak. yang ada kan seira sama bebek, yah gak? lol
terus yah gitu.. si rebeknya ngmg ke bebek klo dia mao delet beberapa ekonnya biar bisa punya waktu lbih bwt maen sama si ruki
yah buat gue itu kan kayak mentang2 si rukinya ditembak dia enggak mao maenannya diambil, padahal kan dah gak ada hubungan apa2. taik lo, dasar tante2 33 taon >3<
capek gue maen pake ati di rp, mendingan gue cari yang having fun aja macem maen sama yumi .__. ato maen di ekon multi gue [ntuh lho, si sisen >_>] yang jelas2 gue enggak bakalan disakitin, malahan nyakitin orang >D
dah ahhhh~
maapkan diriku bebek T__T
Sabtu, 25 Oktober 2008
I want to take an university outside from my country, indonesia
But I still don't know which one I pick
I need an uni which is :
- not so expensive [international student's tuition is like a hell xD;]
- quite good
- allow their students to take a part time
- located in a good place with not so expensive living cost
- using english, if its not, at least we get 1 year for learning the language
- it will be more good if there's scholarship also
- not in UK, because UK's english is really hard!!! XD
can you guys give me some uni's that you know? D:
please!!! >___<
I really need it
I already have some options anyway :
SFSU [san fransisco state university] - CA
nan yang university - singapore
UC Berkeley - CA
ritsumeikan university - Japan
Kyungsung university - korea
again, pleaseeeeeee~
But I still don't know which one I pick
I need an uni which is :
- not so expensive [international student's tuition is like a hell xD;]
- quite good
- allow their students to take a part time
- located in a good place with not so expensive living cost
- using english, if its not, at least we get 1 year for learning the language
- it will be more good if there's scholarship also
- not in UK, because UK's english is really hard!!! XD
can you guys give me some uni's that you know? D:
please!!! >___<
I really need it
I already have some options anyway :
SFSU [san fransisco state university] - CA
nan yang university - singapore
UC Berkeley - CA
ritsumeikan university - Japan
Kyungsung university - korea
again, pleaseeeeeee~
Jumat, 24 Oktober 2008
please, for people who think that I'm their friend
please.. dont leave me alone
I know I'm not perfect
I know I'm not good enough
I know I'm not the most caring
I know I'm not only your best friend
I know I'm not someone that you will cry for
I know I'm not the one who will always be your side whenever you need me
but I beg to you, don't leave me. I do love all of you, but I feel that everyone has gone slowly but surely
I feel alone, the pain comes and stabs my heart so bad
I do want to be a good friend. But I know I am not. I never be good enough for you
I know that I'm not real nice. I just pretend to be nice. So you all won't be mad and stay away from me
to be honest, I'm envy with people that can show theirself completely with their friends and their friends can accept it, even like it
I am not able..
I'm afraid that when I show you my bad side, you will hate me. you will disgust me, you will go away from me. or even you will break our friendship
I stand with pain for so long, I just want to have a true friend. but why is it so hard?
why my sacrifices is not being worthed? and how come you replied it with yell and curse?
what did I do?
-sighs deeply-
I just need, someone who think, that I am here. I am not someone that you only can have fun with. I am also a human. who has emotion as well like you do
so please, treat me at least a little bit more nice
and feel
that I'm breath
in this world
>>> I will be better soon, don't worry. I'm just in emo mood
I know I'm not perfect
I know I'm not good enough
I know I'm not the most caring
I know I'm not only your best friend
I know I'm not someone that you will cry for
I know I'm not the one who will always be your side whenever you need me
but I beg to you, don't leave me. I do love all of you, but I feel that everyone has gone slowly but surely
I feel alone, the pain comes and stabs my heart so bad
I do want to be a good friend. But I know I am not. I never be good enough for you
I know that I'm not real nice. I just pretend to be nice. So you all won't be mad and stay away from me
to be honest, I'm envy with people that can show theirself completely with their friends and their friends can accept it, even like it
I am not able..
I'm afraid that when I show you my bad side, you will hate me. you will disgust me, you will go away from me. or even you will break our friendship
I stand with pain for so long, I just want to have a true friend. but why is it so hard?
why my sacrifices is not being worthed? and how come you replied it with yell and curse?
what did I do?
-sighs deeply-
I just need, someone who think, that I am here. I am not someone that you only can have fun with. I am also a human. who has emotion as well like you do
so please, treat me at least a little bit more nice
and feel
that I'm breath
in this world
>>> I will be better soon, don't worry. I'm just in emo mood
Kamis, 23 Oktober 2008
moso yah... kan gue tadi sama adek gue gue lage nyanyi2 suju geje gitu, sambil dancing tentunya LOL terusan gue unjukin mukanya anak2 suju, enyak gue komen deh. terusan akhirnya sampe ke poto ituk, tau gak enyak gue ngmg apa? [gakk..]
ini yah ituk :

"Yang itu mirip sama asuk lho.. -nunjuk foto ituk-"
yang jlas bwt gue sii, sama skali gak mirip. soale buat gue ituk itu dewa ganteng, en asun itu.. -coughsssss...-
but, mata enyak gw itu emank lihai dalam milih orang [walo gue takut dia udah katarakan because of this case lol]
jadi, yah... buat yang pnasaran, yawda anggep aja muka cowok gue = muka ituk [walo gue sangsi klo gue kog bisa yah dapet cowok scakep ntuh? xD;]
emank sii, sama2 cina [korea dink lol]. sipit dah nyebutnye xD terus sama2 putih en kurus, rambutnya juga jabrik geje. sayangnya ituk mancung <333333333 en ITUK ITU MANISSSSS!!!!! -digampar- xD
I love eeteuk oppa <333 saranghaeeeeeeee -histeris lagi-
ini yah ituk :

"Yang itu mirip sama asuk lho.. -nunjuk foto ituk-"
yang jlas bwt gue sii, sama skali gak mirip. soale buat gue ituk itu dewa ganteng, en asun itu.. -coughsssss...-
but, mata enyak gw itu emank lihai dalam milih orang [walo gue takut dia udah katarakan because of this case lol]
jadi, yah... buat yang pnasaran, yawda anggep aja muka cowok gue = muka ituk [walo gue sangsi klo gue kog bisa yah dapet cowok scakep ntuh? xD;]
emank sii, sama2 cina [korea dink lol]. sipit dah nyebutnye xD terus sama2 putih en kurus, rambutnya juga jabrik geje. sayangnya ituk mancung <333333333 en ITUK ITU MANISSSSS!!!!! -digampar- xD
I love eeteuk oppa <333 saranghaeeeeeeee -histeris lagi-
Rabu, 22 Oktober 2008
mom bought these for me X3
it's escada, kenzo, and bvlgari. there's a louis vuitton also that she planned to buy but she told me the fragrance's smell wasn't that good. but I'm happyyy :3
and anyway, I'm chasing a ruki from U.S lol
his words are really look like aiji ,__,
and also because of bebek, I decided that I would date him no matter what!!! lol
wismilak 8Dv
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